Idiom and Phrases Set- 05
Q. 21 Take cue from
A). Poor and ruined
B). Selfish friend who are with us only in comfortable situations.
C). To be made available or be
D). To copy what somebody else does as to how to behave or what to do
[expand title=”View Answer”]ANSWER: -To copy what somebody else does as to how to behave or what to do[/expand]
Q. 22 Give up the ghost
A). To be at the highest point
B). Hard labour
C). To look at a conclusion prematurely
D). To die, stop working, stop doing something
[expand title=”View Answer”]ANSWER: -To die, stop working, stop doing something[/expand]
Q. 23 To give someone a piece of your mind
A). To tell somebody that you disapprove of his behaviour or are angry with him
B). Believe someone truly
C). out of control; at once, immediately
D). Physically demanding
[expand title=”View Answer”]ANSWER: -To tell somebody that you disapprove of his behavior or are angry with him[/expand]
Q. 24 Show the dragon’s teeth
A). Prosperous/affluent days
B). Look ill or unhealthy.
C). To decide
D). To create future trouble for yourself or others
[expand title=”View Answer”]ANSWER: -To create future trouble for yourself or others[/expand]
Q. 25 Come a cropper
A). In a very direct manner
B). To fail completely
C). A complete victory
D). Strange
[expand title=”View Answer”]ANSWER: -To fail completely[/expand]