Arrangement of Sentences Set-03

Q.11 1. One of the gifts of independence is the awakening of women of our country. P. Besides, their talent is recognized and they are appointed to high posts in the State. Q. Free India has seen women as Governors, Ministers and Ambassadors. R. That is because our government is making efforts to raise their status. S. Women have a bright future in independent India.  6. We even had a woman Prime Minister.

A). (1) QPSR

B). (2) QSPR

C). (3) SRPQ

D). (4) SPQR

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Q.12 1. At the age of four, Jagadish Chandra Bose was sent to a village ‘Pathshala’. P. This step proved beneficial to the boy, for he thus became familiar with his mother tongue and learnt to read and write it. Q. This was very unusual because a man of his father’s status was expected to send his son to an English school. R. He also became acquainted with some of the rich treasures of Indian culture. S. He mixed with children of all castes and lost the sense of class superiority. 6. His mother, too, reinforced what he learnt and did at school.

A). (1) PRQS

B). (2) RQPS

C). (3) QPSR

D). (4) SQRP

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Q.13 (A) Shall have shifted (B) of this month we (C) by the end (D) to owe new house

A). (1) BDCA

B). (2) DABC

C). (3) CBAD

D). (4) ADBC

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Q.14 1. Shark fin soup is one of the cruelest dishes in the world. P. Then they are thrown back into the water. Q. The poor sharks are trapped. R. They usually bleed to death or drown. S. Their fins are sliced off. 6. As many as 73 million sharks meet this fate every year.

A). (1) QSPR

B). (2) RSQP

C). (3) QSRP

D). (4) SQPR

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Q.15 (A) With reluctance (B) of his kindly (C) and faithful Persian friend (D) he accepted the invitation

A). (1) ADBC

B). (2) CBAD

C). (3) BADC

D). (4) DBAC

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